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„Körperkonzepte in (spät)antiken jüdischen Traditionen.“, Ringvorlesung Lebendig oder tot, gesund oder krank? Der menschliche Körper in vormodernen Kulturen, Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, 09.01.2020.

“The frog is dangerous – animals and their agency in rabbinic discourses on medicine and healing”, 50th Annual Meeting of the Association of Jewish Studies (AJS), Boston, 17.12.2018.

“Bodies in pain, bodies in beauty – destruction and deconstruction of rabbinic corporealities”, Book Review Panel auf der Jahrestagung der Society of Biblical Literature (SBL), Denver (Colorado), 19.11.2018.

“Claiming Expertise: Strategies of Knowledge Making in Talmudic Traditions”, Jahrestagung der Society of Biblical Literature (SBL), Denver (Colorado), 18.11.2018.

“Textual Healing: Magico-medical Practices in Rabbinic Texts Reconsidered”, Programmeinheit Medicine in Bible and Talmud beim gemeinsamen internationalen Treffen der European Association for Biblical Studies (EABS) und der Society for Biblical Literature (SBL), Helsinki, 01.08.2018.

“Recipes, Therapeutic Advice and Case-Stories-Looking for “Epistemic Genres” in Talmudic Discourse on Illness and Healing”, Panel Section 6.01: Jewish Roots and Routes of Knowledge – Approaches to Medicine, Sciences and Knowledge in Pre-Modern Jewish Cultures, The XIth Congress of the European Association for Jewish Studies (EAJS) 2018, Jagiellonen-Universität Krakau, 16.07.2018.

“Performing Recipes – trading medical knowledge and epistemic genres in Talmudic texts”, Workshop Performing Economies: Changing and Exchanging Goods in Pre-Modern Ritual Communities innerhalb der Internationalen Tagung Wissensoikonomien – Order and Transgression in premodern Cultures des SFB 980, Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt Forum, 29.06.2018.

„Von tollen Hunden und Hundemenschen“, Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften SFB 980, Freie Universität Berlin, 09.06.2018.

„Rabbinica medica – Talmudische Therapien und rabbinische Rezepte“, Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften SFB 980, Freie Universität Berlin, 09.06.2018.

“When Does it Hurt (Most)? Rabbinic Perceptions and Appropriations of Pain and Suffering”, International Conference Pain and Its Representation in Biblical, Post-Biblical, and Other Texts of the Ancient Eastern Mediterranean, Universität Koblenz-Landau, 19.03.2018.

“Encyclopaedic Turns in Late Aniquity and Talmudic Knowledge Culture”, Seminar “What did the rabbis know? – Exploring Jewish knowledge cultures in Late Antiquity”, Jahrestagung der American Association for Jewish Studies, Washington D.C., 17.–19.12.2017.

Nobody Knows Better than Jew - Talmudic Bodies of Knowledge and Medical Epistemes in Late Antiquity”, Symposium Jews and the natural World: Bodies, Animals, Evolution, Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies (University of Pennsylvania), 13.12.2017.

“Nurses, Midwives, Healers, and Talmudic Medical Encyclopaedism”, Philadelphia Seminar for Christian Origins, What Did Ancient Jews Know? Exploring the Place of Scientific Knowledge in the World of Ancient Judaism, University of Pennsylvania, 07.12.2017.

“Talmudic Therapies – Rabbinic Approaches to Healing and Their Discursive Strategies”, Jahrestagung der Society of Biblical Literature (SBL), Boston, 21.11.2017.

“Knowing Bodies: Appropriating Medical Knowledge and Expertise in Rabbinic Texts”, Ruth Meltzer Seminar, Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies (University of Pennsylvania), 15.11.2017.

Seder Eliyahu, Pirqe de Rabbi Eliezer and cognate traditions as Geonic Midrashim? – changing texts and contexts”, Konferenz Judaism in the 7th and 8th Centuries, Princeton University, 13.11.2017.

“Between ‘Gentile Healing’ and ‘Giving Life to Idolaters’: Talmudic Discourses on Socio-Medical Interactions in Late Antiquity”, Department of Religious Studies, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, 06.11.2017.

“Medical Episteme and Encyclopaedisms in Late Antiquity – theories and methodologies in motion”, Podiumsdiskussion und Workshop Knowledge in Motion, New York University, 16.–17.10.2017.

“To(o) fancy rabbinic celebrities? – authors, authority and the re-writing of tradition in post-Talmudic Jewish texts”, EABS Programmeinheit “Fan Fiction and Ancient Scribal Cultures”, Internationale Jahrestagung derEuropean Association for Biblical Studies (EABS) und der Society for Biblical Literature (SBL), Berlin, 09.08.2017.

 “External Wisdom (Hokhma Hitzonit) Internalised: Encyclopaedic Features and Medical Knowledge in Talmudic Texts”, Internationale Jahrestagung derEuropean Association for Biblical Studies (EABS) und der Society for Biblical Literature (SBL), Berlin, 09.08.2017.

“Bodies of Knowledge: Talmudic Medical Expertise and Knowledge Culture(s) in Late Antiquity”, Harry Starr Fellows-Seminar, Department of Classics and Center for Jewish Studies, Harvard University, 20.04.2017.

“Transfer and Transformation: knowledge, tradition and authority in the Talmudic century”, Konferenz Shifting Frontiers XII — The Fifth Century: Age of Transformation, Yale University, 25.03.2017.

“The case of Germany: from Wissenschaft to Jewish Studies”, Workshop Jewish Studies: From an European Perspective, Mahindra Humanities Center and Center for Jewish Studies, Harvard University, 06.03.2017.

“Competing for Bodies of Knowledge: Medical Expertise between Rabbis and Others in Late Antiquity”, Programmeinheit “Religious Competition in Late Antiquity” auf der Jahrestagung der Society of Biblical Literature (SBL), San Antonio (Texas), 21.11.2016.

“Medical knowledge, social interactions and authority of tradition in Talmudic texts”, Programmeinheit “Healthcare and Disability in the Ancient World” auf der Jahrestagung der Society of Biblical Literature (SBL), San Antonio (Texas), 20.11.2016.

“Talmudic Bodies and Nature – Constructing and Authorizing Knowledge in Late Antique Jewish Tradition”, Internationale Konferenz Finding, Inheriting or Borrowing? Construction and Transfer of Knowledge about Man and Nature in Antiquity and the Middle Ages der Research Training Group 1876 “Early Concepts of Man and Nature: Universal, Local, Borrowed”, Johannes-Gutenberg-University Mainz, 14.09.2016.

“Rabbis and/as Doctors? Expert Knowledge, Medical Practitioners and the Division of Healing Professions in Talmudic Tradition”, Panel “Medicine in Bible and Talmud”, Jahrestagung der European Association of Biblical Studies (EABS), Leuven, 19.07.2016.

“The Dynamis of Diet and Regimen – Talmudic Appropriation and Domestication of a Genre?”, Panel “Ideas about Food and Health in Early Byzantine and Rabbinic Sources”, 23rd International Medieval Congress (IMC) Leeds, 05.07.2016.

“Rabbinic Recipes – Therapeutic Application of Natural Substances in Talmudic Traditions”, Panel “Describing, Classifying and Transforming Natural Substances in Ancient Sciences”, American Association for the History of Medicine (AAHM), Minneapolis, 29.04.2016.

“Bloodletting, Cupping, Venesection in Talmudic texts – practitioners and practices”, Internationaler Workshop ‘Practical Medicine in Jewish Scriptures and Adjacent Traditions’, SFB 980 Freie Universität Berlin, 04.11.2015.

“‘Red for Red’ – bloodletting between medicine and lifestyle in Talmudic sources“, Internationaler Workshop “Practical Knowledge and Medical Practice in Ancient Mediterranean Cultures” des SFB 980 (TP A03), Freie Universität und Humboldt-Universität Berlin, 03.11.2015.

“Figurations of the ‘other’ between Non-Jew and non-rabbi in Seder Eliyahu”, Parks Institute Jubilee Conference “Jewish/Non-Jewish Relations from Antiquity to the Present”, University of Southampton, 08.09.2015.

Knowledge of the body and bodies of knowledge – depicting Jewish medical thought in Talmudic tradition”, Internationale Konferenz “Depicting Jewish Thought”, Institute for Jewish Studies (IJS) und CIC/ Berlin, University College London, 02.09.2015.

(mit T. Hidde): “Diet and Regimen in the Two Talmudic Traditions from Palestine and Babylonia”, CHAM International Conference “Knowledge Transfers and cultural Exchanges, Lissabon, 16.07.2015.

“Medical discourse, claims to validity and social interactions between rabbis and others according to early Jewish sources”, Jahrestagung der European Association of Biblical Studies (EABS), Cordoba (Spanien), 12.–15.07.2015.

“‘An amputee may go out with his wooden aid on Shabbat’ – Socio-cultural Dynamics and Medical Knowledge Related to Disabilities and Prostheses in Talmudic Traditions”, Internationaler Workshop “Prostheses in Antiquity, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, 30.06.2015.

(mit T. Hidde): „Drei Dinge lassen den Körper wachsen- ein vergleichender Blick auf die Regeln zur gesunden Lebensweise (diaita) in den beiden Talmudtraditionen“, Internationale Tagung des IAK „Alte Medizin“, Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, 20.06.2015.

„Wissenskörper – rabbinische Metaphern zur menschlichen Physis im Talmud“, Ringvorlesung des SFB 980 „Körperwissen: Transfer und Innovation“ (C02, Prof. Almut-Barbara Renger), Freie Universität Berlin, 05.02.2015.

„Wissen üben – Studium als/ und Askese im rabbinischen Judentum“, Studientag „Metamorphosen asketischen Übungswissens: Von der Spätantike zur Renaissance“ des SFB 980 (TP C02, A05), Freie Universität Berlin, 17.12.2014.

Same, same but different – on the medical discourse(s) in the two Talmudim”, Konferenz “Defining Jewish Medicine, University College London (UCL), 28.07.2014.

(mit M. Martelli): “Transfer of medical knowledge in Late Antique encyclopaedic traditions – a preliminary survey”, 10. Kongress der European Association of Jewish Studies (EAJS), ENS/ Sorbonne, Paris, 24.07.2014.

„Talmudische Therapien“, BabMed-Seminar, Freie Universität Berlin, 05.06.2014.

Blessed are you who creates such varied creatures – disability in rabbinic literature between medical, halakhic and ethical discourse”, Internationale Konferenz “'Do not curse the deaf or put a stumbling block in front of the blind' - Disability in Jewish Thought and Culture”, Instituut voor Joodse Studies, Universiteit Antwerpen, 01.04.2014.

“‘Hidden Transcripts’ in Late Midrash? Hermeneutical and Literary Processes of Borrowing in a Multi-Cultural Context”, Internationale Konferenz “Exegetical Crossroads, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), 21.02.2014.