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“Los Textos de las Pirámides de Hatshepsut en su templo de Deir el-Bahari”, conference in the National Museum of Archaeology, Río de Janeiro (Brazil), 27.11.2017.

“La mujer ritualista en el antiguo Egipto: arquetipos, funciones y percepción”, conference in Jornades Internacionals Les edats de les dones a Mesopotàmia i a Egipte, Universitat de Barcelona, 2.11.2017.

“Mutable tradition or traditional mutability? Stages, factors, and principles in the transmission of the Pyramid Texts in the Old and Middle Kingdoms”, in 49. Ständige Ägyptologenkonferenz in Göttingen, 14-16.07.2017.

“Hatshepsut’s Pyramid Texts and the history of transmission of the provisioning group”, in Colloque international sur les Textes des Pyramides. IFAO, Cairo, Cairo, 23-25.10.2016.