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„Byzantine and Syriac Lexika on Alchemy: Problems and Perspective”, CEDR Workshop, Chemical Heritage Foundation, Philadelphia, 05.–07.05.2016.

„Aetius of Amida on Diet and Appetite”, Workshop Early Byzantine Encyclopaedias of Medicine: Problems and Perspectives, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, 27.05.2016.

„Colouring and Transforming Natural Substances between Alchemy and Medicine”, 89thAnnual Meeting of the American Association for the History of Medicine, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 28.04.–01.05.2016.

„Syriac Translations of Medical and Alchemical Texts, International Conference Narratives on Translations”, MPIGW, Berlin, 16.–20.11.2015.

„Byzantine Alchemy in Two Late Greek Alchemical Manuscripts from the Meteora and Elassona”, International Symposium on Alchemy: From the Late Antiquity to the Early Modernity, The National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens, 25.–27.06.2015.

„Galen and Aetius of Amida on the Medical Uses of Earths and Minerals – reception and transformation”, International Conference CHAM, Lisbon, 16.07.2015.

„Religion, Medicine, and Alchemy in Zosimus of Panopolis’ Writings: ‘Well-Timed Tinctures’ and Egyptian Priests”, Workshop Lived Ancient Religion and Medicine, Max Weber Kolleg, Erfurt, 28.05.2015.

„Alchemy and the Aristotelian Tradition. Theories of Metallogenesis between Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages”, Opening Workshop of the Research Training Group Philosophy, Science and the Sciences, 16.04.2015.

„I libri alchemici pseudo-democritei tra Oriente e Occidente, International Conference Technai e Artes”, University of Pavia, Pavia, 31.03.2015.

(mit C. Johnson and L. Raggetti),„Talking Heads: Identifying Multimodal (Oral-Written) Hybrids in Ancient Mesopotamia”, SFB 980 Jour Fixe, Berlin, SFB-Villa, 12.12.2014.

„Syriac Translations of Alchemical and Medical Texts: Problems and Perspectives”, Workshop Participant and observer narratives about medieval cross-cultural knowledge transfer: missing, single or multiple translations, Berlin, MPIWG, 21.11.2014.

(mit Caroline Petit und Siam Bhayro) „Simple Medicines: Greek, Arabic, Syriac“, Tagung Interpreting Galen (organisiert von Philip van der Eijk), University of Exeter, 13.11.2014.

„Das Wissen des alchemistischen Körpers in den Werken von Zosimos aus Panopolis“, Ringvorlesung des SFB 980 zu Körperwissen, Freie Universität Berlin, 30.10.2014.

„Astrology, Alchemy and Medicine at the Court of Heraclius“, Workshop Meta-Scientific Foundation of Astronomy, Workshop des Teilprojekts B06, Freie Universität Berlin, 12.08.2014.

(mit L. Lehmhaus) „Transfer of Medical Knowledge in Late Antique Encyclopedic Traditions – a Preliminary Survey“, 10th Congress of the European Association of Jewish Studies, Paris, ENS, 24.07.2014.

(mit C. F. Salazar) „Galen and Aetius. Re-Organising Knowledge“, BabMed Seminar (organisiert von Mark Geller), Freie Universität Berlin, 26.06.2014.

„Selecting and Epitomizing Alchemical Knowledge: Byzantine and Syriac Manuscripts on Alchemy“, Hamburg, Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures (SFB 950), 05.06.2014.

„L’alchimie syriaque“, Table Ronde Les sciences syriaques, organisiert von der Societé d’études syriaques, Paris, 15.11.2013

„At the Origins of Graeco-Egyptian Alchemy: Chromatic Transformation between Medicine and Dyeing processes“, ICHSTM 2013, Manchester, 21.–28.07.2013.

„Ippocrate alchimista?“, Workshop Seminario di studi sulla scienza antica e la sua tradizione, organisiert von E. Nenci, Gargnano, Università di Milano, 06.–08.06.2013.

„Which Kind of Alchemy Is Handed Down by the Ms. 67 of the Aghios Stephanos Monastery?“, 5th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science, Athens, 01.–03.11.2012.