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Ancient Medicine and History of Science


Dozent/inProf. Dr. Philip van der Eijk
SemesterWintersemester 2023/24
Veranstaltungsumfang2 SWS
RaumUniversitäts-Hauptgebäude - 3053 Unter den Linden 6 (UL 6) - (Unterrichtsraum)

Mo 10:00–12:00

In this research colloquium, participants and guests present and discuss ongoing work on ancient medicine, philosophy, science and their reception. In addition, Greek and Latin medical texts that are currently in the process of being edited, translated and commented, are subjected to close reading and discussion. During the Wintersemester 2023/24, we will read i.a. sections from Philumenus’ work on poisonous animals. Students are very welcome! Since work-in-progress and unpublished material will be circulated in advance of the colloquium, those who wish to take part are asked to contact Professor van der Eijk in advance; please send an e-mail to philip.van.der.eijk@hu-berlin.de