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(mit M. Gehlmann und F. Quenstedt): “Performing Knowledge Economies: Changing and Exchanging Goods in Pre-Modern Ritual Communities“, in: Wissensoikonomien. Ordnung und Transgression in vormodernen Kulturen, hg. v. Niklas Pissis, Nora Schmidt, Gyburg Uhlmann, Wiesbaden 2021, 229–258. (= Episteme in Bewegung. Beiträge zur einer transdisziplinären Wissensgeschichte, 18)

(mit M. J. Geller): “Medicine”, in: Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization, vol. 2: 332 B.C.E.–600 C.E, hg. v. Carol Bakhos; Posen Foundation, 2020 (forthcoming).

“Moral Exegesis? – Hermeneutic Approaches and Exegetical Strategies in Seder Eliyahu (Zuta)”, in: Representing Jewish Thought. Studies in Honour of Ada Rappoport-Albert, hg.v. Agata Paluch und Lukas Mühlethaler; Leiden: Brill, 2020.

“Authorship and Authority – patterns of change in Seder EliyahuPirqe deRabbi Eliezer and the Alphabet of Ben Sira in their Geonic and early Islamicate contexts”, in: Torah Is a Hidden Treasure: Proceedings of the Midrash Section, Society of Biblical Literature, vol. 8, hg. v. Rivka Ulmer und W. David Nelson; Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2019, S. 99–149.

“Medical Knowledge in Ancient Jewish Traditions”, in: Special Issue on “Ancient Medical Traditions”, Journal of the Social History of Medicine and Health (2019).

“Rabbinic Perceptions and Representations of Pain and Suffering”, in: Pain and Its Representation in Biblical, Post-Biblical, and Other Texts of the Ancient Eastern Mediterranean, hg. v. M. Bauks und S. Olyan, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2019.

“Bodies of Tradition – (re)constructing medical expertise and knowledge of bodies in late ancient Jewish texts”, in: Finding, Inheriting or Borrowing? Construction and Transfer of Knowledge about Man and Nature in Antiquity and the Middle Ages, hg. v. T. Pommerening et al.; Bielefeld: transcript 2018.

“An amputee may go out with his wooden aid on Shabbat: Dynamics of Prosthetic Discourse in Talmudic Traditions”, in: Prostheses in Antiquity, hg. v. J. Draycott. Series: Medicine and the Body in Antiquity. Abingdon/New York: Routledge 2018, S. 97–124.

„Wissen üben – Tora-Studium als/ und asketische Praxis im rabbinischen Judentum“, in: Übungswissen in Religion und Philosophie: Produktion, Weitergabe, Wandel, hg. v. A. Renger et.al.; Münster, Berlin: LIT-Verlag 2018, S. 71–108.

Between Midrash and Adab - `Hidden transcripts´ and cultural borrowing in Jewish texts from Early Islam”, in: Exegetical Crossroads–Understanding Scripture in Judaism, Christianity and Islam in the Premodern Orient, hg. v. G. Tamer et al.; Berlin, Boston: de Gruyter 2017, S. 199–242.

Beyond Dreckapotheke, Between Facts and Feces: Talmudic Recipes and Therapies in Context”, in: Collecting Recipes. Byzantine and Jewish Pharmacology in Dialogue, hg. v. M. Martelli und L. Lehmhaus. Berlin, Boston: de Gruyter 2017, S. 221–254.

(mit M. Martelli): “Introduction: The Transfer of Pharmacological Knowledge in Late Antiquity”, in: Collecting Recipes. Byzantine and Jewish Pharmacology in Dialogue, hg. v. L. Lehmhaus und M. Martelli. Berlin, Boston: de Gruyter 2017, S. 1–28.

(mit J. Watts-Belser): “Disability in Rabbinic Jewish Sources”, in: Disability in Antiquity. Routledge Series Rewriting Antiquity, hg. v. C. Laes. London, New York: Routledge 2016, S. 434–452.

„Vom Körperwissen zum Wissenskörper – rabbinische Diskurse zur menschlichen Physis im Talmud“, in: Körperwissen: Transfer und Innovation. Sonderausgabe Paragrana - Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie, hg. v. A.-B. Renger und C. Wulf. Berlin, New York: de Gruyter 2016, S. 255–280.

Listenwissenschaft and the encyclopedic hermeneutics of knowledge in Talmud and Midrash”, in: In the Wake of the Compendia: Infrastructural Contexts and the Licensing of Empiricism in Ancient and Medieval Mesopotamia, hg. v.J. Cale Johnson. Berlin, Boston: de Gruyter 2015, S. 59–101.

(mit P.J. van der Eijk, M. Geller, M. Martelli, C. Salazar): “Canon and Authority in Greek and Talmudic Medicine”, in: Wissen in Bewegung. Institution - Iteration - Transfer, hg. v. A. Traninger und E. Cancik-Kirschbaum. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2015, S. 195–221.

Blessed be He – benedictions, prayers, and narrative in the garb of late Midrashic traditions”, in: “It's Better to Hear the Rebuke of the Wise Than the Song of Fools” (Qoh 7:5): Proceedings of the Midrash Section, Society of Biblical Literature, Vol. 6, hg. v. R. Ulmer und D. W. Nelson. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press 2015, S. 107–151.

„Wie der Fisch aus dem großen (Mittel)Meer´– Rabbinische Identität, Diaspora und Judentum im mediterranen Kontext“, in: Ein pluriverses Universum, Zivilisationen und Religionen im antiken Mittelmeerraum, hg. v. R. Faber und A. Lichtenberger, Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink 2015, S. 391–411.