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“Babylonian Medicine as a Discipline”, in: The Cambridge History of Science, Volume 1, hg. v. A. Jones und L. Taub, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press im Druck, S. 29–57.

Review zu J. Scurlock, Sourcebook for Ancient Mesopotamian Medicine, Journal of Semitic Studies 63/1, 2018, S. 259–264.

“Debunking Ancient Jewish Science”, Journal of the American Oriental Society 137/2 (2017), S. 393–400.

“Magic Bowls Belong in Babylonia”, in: Zauber und Magie im antiken Palästina und seiner Umwelt, Kolloquium des Deutschen Vereins zur Erforschung Palästinas, 14.–16.11.2014, hg. v. J. Kamlah, R. Schäfer, M. Witte, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2017, S. 141–152.

“Some Remarks on Babylonian Pharmacology”, in: Collecting Recipes, Byzantine and Jewish Pharmacology, hg. v. L. Lehmhaus and M. Martelli, Berlin: de Gruyter 2017, S. 31–34.

 „Medizin I: Mit dem Herzen Denken“, Spektrum der Wissenschaften Spezial 4.17 (2017), S. 55–56, nachgedruckt in Spektrum der Wissenschaften 3.18 (2018), S. 82–84.

„Voodoo am Krankenbett: War die Heilkunst der Babylonier fortschrittlicher als gedacht?“, Der Spiegel 18.11.2017, S. 116–117.

(mit L. Vacín). “Fermenting Vat, Childbirth and Dreckapotheke: a School Incantatory-Medical Tablet”, in: From the Four Corners of the Earth. Studies in Iconography and Cultures of the Ancient Near East in Honour of F.A.M. Wiggermann, hg. v. D. Kertai, Münster: Ugarit 2017, S. 79–89.

“Sumerian Paradise Lost”, in: The Cosmography of Paradise: The Other World from Ancient Mesopotamia to Medieval Europe, (The Warburg Institute Colloquia, Bd. 27), hg. v. A. Scafi, London: The Warburg Institute 2016, S. 31–37.

(mit P. J. van der Eijk, L.Lehmhaus, M. Martelli, C. F. Salazar), “Canons, authorities and medical practice in the Greek medical encyclopaedias of late antiquity and in the Talmud”, in: Wissen in Bewegung: Institution – Iteration – Transfer, hg. v. A. Traninger, E. Cancik-Kirschbaum, Wiesbaden: Harassowitz 2015, S. 195–222.

“Encyclopaedias and Commentaries”, in: In the Wake of the Compendia, Infrastructural Contexts and the Licensing of Empiricism in Ancient and Medieval Mesopotamia, hg. v. J. C. Johnson, Berlin: de Gruyter 2015, S. 31–45.

 “Introduction”, in: The Archaeology and material Culture of the Babylonian Talmud, hg. v. M. J. Geller, Leiden/Boston: Brill 2015, S. 1–5.

(mit D. Potts), “The Gymnasium at Babylon and Jerusalem”, in: The Archaeology and Material Culture of the Babylonian Talmud, hg. v. M. J. Geller, Leiden/Boston: Brill 2015, S. 387–395.

“Introduction to Melammu: Early Globalizations”, in: Melammu, the Ancient World in an Age of Globalization, hg. v. M. J. Geller, Berlin, 2014, S. 5–13.

(mit G. Bohak), “Babylonian Astrology in The Cairo Genizah”, in: Envisioning Judaism, Studies in Honor of Peter Schäfer on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday, hg. v. R. Boustan (et. al.), Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2013, S. 207–222.

Review zu P. Unschuld, What is medicine? Western and Eastern approaches to healing, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute NS 18 (2012), S. 214–215.