“Ibn Sīnā’s and Al-Ghazālī’s Approach to Pythagoreanism”, in: Almut-Barbara Renger/ Alessandro Stavru (Hg.), Pythagorean Knowledge from the Ancient to the Modern World: Askesis, Religion, Science (Episteme in Bewegung. Beiträge zur einer transdisziplinären Wissensgeschichte, Bd. 4), Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2016, 423–436.
“Al-Ghazālī and Jehuda Halevi: divine attributes, metaphors and possible ways to speak about God”, in: Görge K. Hasselhoff/Knut Martin Stünkel (eds.), Transcending Words. The Language of Religious Contact Between Buddhists, Christians, Jews and Muslims in Premodern Times, Bochum: Winkler, 2015, 69–87; Preprint als Working Paper 3/2014 in der Reihe des SFB 980.