Shigeno Yasutsugu and the transformation of Chinese knowledge in 19th century Japan through the lens of the 'scholarly persona', Universiteit Leiden, Dec 2014
The Multiple Faces of the “Early Modern” in 20th Century Japan. Global History Collaborative Workshop, Institute for Advances Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo, Nov 2014
Translation Regimes in Meiji Japan. East-Asian Translation Studies conference, University of East Anglia, Norwich, Jun 2014
Transcultural Sinology in late 19th-century Japan. The case of Shigeno Yasutsugu, 19th and 20th century philological encounters, Universiteit Leiden, Jun 2014
Transnationale Kontexte gelehrter Wissensproduktion im Japan der Edo-Zeit, Studientag Wissenstransfer in Ostasien, SFB 980, Freie Universität Berlin, Jan 2014
Placing Early Modern East Asia in global history. Preliminary thoughts, Workshop Nation, National and Global History, Freie Universität Berlin, Jun 2013
Enmeshed in virtue. Confucian textual practice in an early modern Japanese commentary on the Ming period 'Six Exhortations', Zukunftsphilologie Workshop "Commentary Cultures: Technologies of medieval reading", Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin, Mai 2013