Aufsätze (Auswahl)
„Türken in der zoroastrischen Literatur“. In Eine hundertblättrige Tulpe – Bir ṣadbarg lāla. Festgabe für Claus Schönig. Hg. v. Ingeborg Hauenschild, Matthias Kappler, Barbara Kellner-Heinkele, Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag 2016, S. 308–331 (im Druck).
„A Pahlavi Legal Term in Jesuboxt’s Corpus Iuris: wehdādestān(īh)“. In: Irano-Judaica VII: Studies Relating to Jewish Contacts with Persian Culture Throughout the Ages (im Druck).
„The Case against Mār Abā, the Catholicos, in the Light of Sasanian Law”. In: Zoroastrianism in the Levant, ARAM Society for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies, Oxford University (im Druck).
„Mazdakite Heresy and Esotericism in the late Zoroastrian Tradition“. In: Knowledge to die for: Transmission of Prohibited and Esoteric Knowledge in Space and Time. Hg. v. F. Geller (im Druck).
„Jewish Jurisdiction within the Framework of the Sasanian Legal System“. In: Encounters by the Rivers of Babylon: Scholarly Conversations between Jews, Iranians and Babylonians. Hg. v. Sh. Secunda (im Druck).
„A Legal Controversy from the Sasanian Period in a Late Pahlavi Rivāyat Text“. In: Gherardo Gnoli Memorial Volume (im Druck).
„Loan and Debt in a Late Pahlavi Text”. In: Sundermann Memorial Volume (im Druck).
„Substance and Fruit in the Sasanian Law of Property and the Babylonian Talmud“. In: The Archaeology and Material Culture of the Babylonian Talmud. Hg. v. Markham J. Geller, Leiden, Boston: Brill 2015, S. 245–259.
„Law in Pre-modern Zoroastrianism“. In: The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Zoroastrianism.Hg. v. Michael Stausberg and Yuhan Sohrab-Dinshaw Vevaina, Oxford: John Wiley & Sons 2015, S. 289–298.
„Legal Implications of Mazdakite Teaching According to the Dēnkard“. In: Husraw Ier Reconstructions d’un Règne. Sources et Documents. Hg. v. Christelle Jullien, Paris: Association pour l’Avancement des Études Iraniennes 2015 (Studia Iranica. Cahier 53), S. 155–174.
„Precision Orientated Legal Terminology in the Sasanian Law of Inheritance“. In: From Aṣl to Zā’id: Essays in Honour of Éva M. Jeremiás. Hg. v. Iv’an Szántó, Piliscsaba: The Avicenna Institute of Middle Eastern Studies 2015, S. 129–146.
„Mādayān ī hazār dādestān, ‚Book of a Thousand Judgements‘, Pahlavi Law-Book from the Late Sasanian Period (first half of the seventh century).“ In: Encyclopædia Iranica (Online-Veröffentlichung:
„Ardashir’s Genealogy Revisited“. In: Iran Nameh. A Special Issue Honoring Jaleh Amouzgar. Hg. v. P. Pourshariati, M. Tavakoli, 29 (2014), S. 80–94.
„Vorislamisches iranisches Recht“. In: Handbuch der Iranistik. Hg. v. L. Paul, Wiesbaden 2013, S. 123–132.
„Iranische Literaturen in vorislamischer Zeit“. In: Handbuch der Iranistik. Hg. v. L. Paul, Wiesbaden 2013, S. 281–311.
„The adwadād Offence in Zoroastrian Law“. In: Shoshannat Yaakov. Jewish and Iranian Studies in Honor of Yaakov Elman. Hg. v. Sh. Secunda / St. Fine, Leiden/Boston 2012 (The Brill Reference Library of Judaism 35), S. 247–269.
„The Pre-Islamic Roots of Firdausi’s Shahnama“. In: Heroic Times. A Thousand Years of the Persian Book of Kings. Hg. v. J. Gonnella, Ch. Rauch, Berlin 2012, S. 22–27.
„Editing Pahlavi Legal Texts“. In: The Transmission of the Avesta. Hg. v. A. Cantera, Wiesbaden 2012 (Iranica 20), S. 519–540.