Typology – Strategies of Reenactment and Fulfillment in the Milieu of the Qur’an and its Exegesis
Abbildung: Fālnāmeh – Mscr.Dresd.Eb.445, 17. Jh. - Anf. 18. Jh., Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden. Creative Commons Lizenz CC-BY-SA 4.0
Conference convened by the Research Group A05 “From Logos to Kalām: Figurations and Transformations of Knowledge in Near Eastern Late Antiquity” (head: Prof. Dr. A. Neuwirth)
The international conference on “Typology – Strategies of Reenactment and Fulfillment in the Milieu of the Qur’an and its Exegesis”, to be held on 15–16 July 2015, builds on the results of the successful exploratory workshop that took place on 1–2 December 2014 on “Typology in the Qur’an and Qur’anic Exegesis”. The conference aims to investigate concepts and methods of typological interpretation in Late Antiquity and the medieval period, and to situate these within the wider context of the ‘Transfer of Knowledge’ in the premodern period. The conference is also meant to facilitate a fruitful discussion between scholars of Late Antique and medieval patristic and rabbinic exegesis and scholars of the Qur’an and its exegesis. The conference will delve deeper into the cases and examples that were discussed in the exploratory workshop. Furthermore, we aim to include literary and exegetical traditions that were not given enough attention in the workshop and to look more closely at the language and operation of typology, especially the aspects of reenactment and fulfillment.
For further information, please contact Manolis Ulbricht: manolis.ulbricht[at]fu-berlin.de.
Time & Location
Jul 15, 2015 - Jul 16, 2015
SFB-Villa, Sitzungsraum, Schwendenerstraße 8, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem