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Project C04 (2012–2020)

Epistemic Dissonances. Objects and Tools of Early Modern Acoustics

This project explores the disputes that arose within and between musical-acoustic praxis and theory between 1580 and 1690. It asks about the production of acoustic research objects and tools in the context of newly emerging institutions, scholarly networks, material cultures, and media technologies. The project focuses on three core areas of early modern acoustics: architectural acoustics and communication technology; instrument and tool making; and the anatomy of hearing and memory.

A list of publications and events organized by the project can be accessed on the German CRC 980 website.



Project staff

Student assistant

Julia Steinmetz

Former Student assistant (C04)


Former staff members

Prof. Dr. Helmar Schramm

Former head of project (C04)


Michael A. Conrad

Former staff member (C04)

Michael A. Conrad

Dr. Erhard Ertel

Former staff member (C04)


Anna Kvičalová

Former staff member (C04)


Dr. Anna Laqua

Former staff member (C04)

Anna Laqua

Peter Löffelbein

Former staff member (C04)

Peter Löffelbein

Michael Lorber

Former staff member (C04)

Michael Lorber (promoviert)

Till Mittasch

Former staff member (C04)

Till Mittasch